Sahih Al-Bukhari (صحيح البخاري)
Compiler: Abu Abdullah Muhammad bin Ismail Bukhari (died 256 A.H)
Shuruh (Commentaries)
- al-Kawakib al-Darari by Imam Shams al-Din al-Kirmani (d. AH 786), download pdfs . Considered one of the best commentaries by Shaykh Abdal Hakim Murad
- Fat'h al-Baari by Ibn Hajar Asqalani (فتح الباري لابن حجر العسقلاني المصري ), online in html format ,text in zip , download pdfs
- Fat'h al-Baari by Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali (فتح الباري شرح صحيح البخاري لابن رجب ), download pdfs
- al-Tausheeh Sharah Jami al-Sahih by al-Suyuti, published in Riyad 1998,
(التوشيح شرح الجامع الصحيح للامام السيوطي )
Download PDF
- Irshad al-Sari by Imam Ahmed ibn Muhammad al-Qastalani (d.923 AH.) (إرشاد الساري شرح صحيح البخاري القسطلاني ),
Published in Dar al-Taba'at Egypt (دار الطباعة المقصرية) in 1859, Vol-1 , Vol-2 , Vol-3 , Vol-4 , Vol-5, Vol-6 , Vol-7 , Vol-8 , Vol-9 , Vol-10(طبعه المطبعه المعربي-كانفور ادي), Vol-1 , Vol-2 , Vol-3 , Vol-4 , Vol-5 , Vol-6 , Vol-7 , Vol-8 , Vol-9 ,Vol-10
Hamisha (sidenotes)
- Hamisha on Sahih al-Bukhari by Imam al-Sindi (هامشه صحيح البخاري للامام السندي ), published in Egypt 1888,
Vol-1 , Vol-2 , Vol-3 , Vol-4
Bengali (Bangla)
- Volume 1 - Read / Download
- Volume 2 - Read / Download
- Volume 3 - Read / Download
- Volume 4 - Read / Download
- Volume 5 - Read / Download
- Volume 6 - Read / Download
- Volume 7 - Read / Download
- Download Sahih al-Bukhari Bosnian Translation
- Format: PDF (8 parts in different files)
Translator: Group of scholars
- Read English translation of Sahih al-Bukhari
Translator: Muhammad Muhsin Khan
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Translated in Urdu by Mawlana Abdul Hakim Khan Akhtar Shahjahanpuri (مولانا عبدالحکیم خان اختر شاہجہانپوری)
Translated in 7 volumes - Download_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________Written by Imam Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj (died 261 AH) Hadith - CollectionsArabic
- Download from the attachments below.
- English Translation of Sahih Muslim
Translator: Abdul Hamid Siddiqui
Presented by: Compendium of Muslim Texts, USCAnother link
Translated by Allama Ghulam Rasool Saeedi
Dowload from the attachments below.
Dowload partial translation from the attachments below._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Hadith - CollectionsWritten by Imam Malik ibn Anas (died 179 AH)
(التوشيح شرح الجامع الصحيح للامام السيوطي )
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Published in Dar al-Taba'at Egypt (دار الطباعة المقصرية) in 1859, Vol-1 , Vol-2 , Vol-3 , Vol-4 , Vol-5, Vol-6 , Vol-7 , Vol-8 , Vol-9 , Vol-10(طبعه المطبعه المعربي-كانفور ادي), Vol-1 , Vol-2 , Vol-3 , Vol-4 , Vol-5 , Vol-6 , Vol-7 , Vol-8 , Vol-9 ,Vol-10
Vol-1 , Vol-2 , Vol-3 , Vol-4
Translator: Group of scholars
Translator: Muhammad Muhsin Khan
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Translator: Abdul Hamid Siddiqui
Presented by: Compendium of Muslim Texts, USCAnother link
Muatta Imam Malik (مؤطا امام مالك)
English Translations
- Malik's Muwatta translated in English
Translators: A'isha Abdarahman at-Tarjumana and Yaqub Johnson
Presented by: Compendium of Muslim Texts, USC
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- Download as DOC file from Million Books Project
Translated by Mawlana Abdul Hakim Khan Akhtar Shahjahanpuri (مولانا عبدالحکیم خان اختر شاہجہانپوری)___________________________________________________________________________________________________________Sunan Abi Dawud (سنن أبي داود )
سنن أبي داود ومعالم السنن (1997)English
- Partial Translation of Sunan Abu-Dawud in English
Translator: Prof. Ahmad Hasan
Presented by: Compendium of Muslim Texts, USC
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Translated in Urdu by Mawlana Abdul Hakim Khan Akhtar Shahjahanpuri (مولانا عبدالحکیم خان اختر شاہجہانپوری)___________________________________________________________________________________________________________Latest:Included the Dhivehi translation.Riyad al-Saliheen رياض الصالحين
(Gardens of the Righteous)
Arabic (العربية)
Text format - DOC
- Translation of Riyad al-Saliheen into Dhivehi languag (spoken in Maldives) is done by Abdulla Farooq Ibrahim.
Download Here | Alternate Link
Volume 1 - DownloadVolume 2 - Download
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________Book Name: Al-Adab al-Mufrid (الادب المفرد)
Author: Imam Muhammad bin Ismail Bukhari (امام محمد بن اسماعيل بخاري)Arabic
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________Musnad Imam Ahmed Ibn Hanbal
New: added Urdu translation.Musnad Ahmad Ibn Hanbal is one of the earliest collections of Hadith by the great Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal (164-241 A.H), the Imam of the Hanbali madhhab.
Download in PDF Format: [Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] (Source: Million Books Project, Internet Archive)
Urdu (اردو)
Musnad Ahmad Ibn Hanbal translated in Urdu by Muhammad Zafar Iqbal, published in 14 volumes,_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________Al-Shuma'il al-Tirmizi
Title Al-Shuma'il al-Tirmizi
Author Imam Muhammad bin Isa Tirmizi
Language Arabic (العربية)
Genre Sunni
Publisher Dar al-Kutub al-Ilmiya, Bairut, Lebanon
- Shamail al-Tirmidhi short version - Download Here
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________Musannaf Abd Al-Razzaq
Title Musannaf Abd Al-Razzaq المصنف لعبد الرزاق
Author Abd Al-Razzaq (aslo: Abdur Razzaq) أبو بكر عبد الرزاق بن همام الصنعاني
Language Arabic (العربية)
Genre Sunni
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________Masnad Imam Shafai (Arabic)
Title: Masnad Imam Shafai (Arabic: مسند الامام الشافعي)Author: Hadhrat Imam Shafai (rahmatullah alaih) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________Sunan Ibn Majah سنن ابن ماجه
Sunan Ibn Majah is considered by many to be one of the six most authentic collections of Hadith.
Translated in Urdu by Mawlana Abdul Hakeem Khan Akhtar Shahjahanpuri_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________Sunan al-Tirmidhi (سنن الترمذي)
By: Imam Muhammad bin Isa al-Tirmidhi (d. 279 AH)أبو عيسى محمد بن عيسى بن سورة بن موسى بن الضحاك السلمي الترمذي
Sunan Tirmidhi is one of the six authentic collections of Hadith (Sihah Sitta). Written by Imam Tirmidhi, it contains 3956 Ahadith.Arabic (العربية)
Urdu (اردو)
Jamay Tirmidhi with Shamail Tirmidhi with Urdu Translationجامع ترمذی مع شمائل ترمذی جلد اول حصہ اولTranslator: Mawlana Muhammad Siddiq Saeedi Hazarvi (مولانا محمد صدیق سعیدی ہزاروی)Language: Arabic, Urdu (اردو)_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________Sunan as-Sughra (Sunan Nasai)
Sunan as-Sughra, written by Imam Nasai and also known as Sunan Nasai, is one of the six most authentic collections of Hadith (Sihah Sitta). It contains 5467 Ahadith.Arabic
- (سنن النسائي بشرح السيوطي وحاشية السندي), five volumes, on
Translated in Urdu by Mawlana Dost Muhammad Shakir and Hafiz Abdul Sattar Qadri, this book also contains the original Arabic text._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________Sunan al-Kubra by Imam Nasai
Sunan al-Kubra is the bigger edition of the book Sunan as-Sughra, both written by Imam Nasai.Sunan as-Sugha is among the six most authentic collections of Hadith (Sihah Sitta).Attachments:
File Description language File size Downloads
Sunan al-Kubra by Imam Nasai(MS Word format) Arabic 3633 Kb 857
Sahih Ibn Hibban
Sahih Ibn Hibban is one of the earliest collections of Hadith.
Translators: A'isha Abdarahman at-Tarjumana and Yaqub Johnson
Presented by: Compendium of Muslim Texts, USC
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Translator: Prof. Ahmad Hasan
Presented by: Compendium of Muslim Texts, USC
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Author: Imam Muhammad bin Ismail Bukhari (امام محمد بن اسماعيل بخاري)
File | Description | language | File size | Downloads |
(MS Word format) | Arabic | 3709 Kb | 606 |
Mishkat al-Masabih (مشكاة المصابيح)
By: Imam Wali-uddin bin Muhammad bin Abdullah al-Khateeb (d. 742 AH)
الامام ولي الدين بن محمد بن عبدالله الخطيب
Mishkat al-Masabih with Urdu Translation - Volume 1/3 - مشکوٰة المصابیح اردو ترجمہ جلد اول
Author: Imam Muhammad Ibn Abdullah al-Khateeb (امام محمد بن عبداللہ الخطیب)
Translator: Abdul Hakim Khan Shahjahanpuri (عبدالحکیم خاں شاہجہانپوری)
Language: Arabic, Urdu (اردو)
File | Description | language | File size | Downloads |
(MS Word format) | Arabic | 1584 Kb | 539 |
Sahih Ibn Khuzaymah
Written by Imam Ibn Khuzaymah (died 311 AH)Sahih Ibn Khuzaymah (Arabic: صحيح ابن خزيمة) is one of the earliest sources of Hadith.
File | Description | language | File size | Downloads |
(MS Word format) | Arabic | 1616 Kb | 397 |
Masnad Humaydi (مسند الحميدي)
By: Abu-Bakr Abdullah bin Zubair al-Humaydi al-Makki (d. 219 AH)
أبو بكر عبد الله بن الزبير بن عيسى بن عبيد الله القرشي الأسدي الحميدي المكي (المتوفى : 219هـ)
Short Biography
He is Abdullah ibn az-Zubair ibn ‘Eesa ibn ‘Ubaydullah ibn Usaamah, Abu Bakr, al-Qurashi al-Asadi al-Humaydi al-Makki, Shaykh of the Haram, and the author of al-Musnad.
His Teachers:
He narrated hadith from Fudayl ibn ‘Iyyad and Sufyan ibn ‘Uyaynah – and he did so with frequency and he excelled – and Wakee’ and ash-Shafi’ee, and others.
His Students:
Bukhari narrated the first hadith in his Saheeh from him. His students also include adh-Dhuhlee, Abu Zur’ah ar-Razi, Abu Haatim ar-Razee, Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Idris al-Makki, his scribe, and many besides them.The Scholars’ Praise for Him:
Imam Ahmed ibn Hanbal said, “We consider Humaydi an imam.” Abu Hatim said, “The most reliable of people (in narrating) from ibn ‘Uyaynah is al-Humaydi. He is the head of his companions (students), and he is a reliable Imam.” Ya’qub al-Fasawee said, “We narrated from al-Humaydi and I did not meet anyone more sincere to Islam and its people than him.” Al-Haakim said, “When al-Bukhari would find a hadith with al-Humaydi, he would not go beyond it to others.” Harb al-Kirmani, al-Lalaka’i, ibn Taymiyyah, and others described him as an Imam in the Sunnah.
Bukhari narrated the first hadith in his Saheeh from him. His students also include adh-Dhuhlee, Abu Zur’ah ar-Razi, Abu Haatim ar-Razee, Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Idris al-Makki, his scribe, and many besides them.The Scholars’ Praise for Him:
Imam Ahmed ibn Hanbal said, “We consider Humaydi an imam.” Abu Hatim said, “The most reliable of people (in narrating) from ibn ‘Uyaynah is al-Humaydi. He is the head of his companions (students), and he is a reliable Imam.” Ya’qub al-Fasawee said, “We narrated from al-Humaydi and I did not meet anyone more sincere to Islam and its people than him.” Al-Haakim said, “When al-Bukhari would find a hadith with al-Humaydi, he would not go beyond it to others.” Harb al-Kirmani, al-Lalaka’i, ibn Taymiyyah, and others described him as an Imam in the Sunnah.
His Writings
The references for the biography of Imam al-Humaydi do not tell us the names of his works as they ought to, but of them, the following can be found:
- Al-Musnad
- Ar-Radd ‘Ala an-Nu’man (Refutation of an-Nu’man)
- At-Tafsir
- Ad-Dala’il (Signs)